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Episode 5 - Donut Worry, Be Happy

On this episode…

We dive into all things DONUT from our opinions on baked vs. fried, the very best doughnuts in the world, our personal doughnut making experiences and whether or not we would commit a crime for one. We also review our May strawberry challenge where we both won points for style but struck out on substance and declared a rematch. Tune in to find out why!



Rachel and Luisa Strawberry Picking (April, 2017)


Rachel's Strawberry Cobbler


Luisa's Strawberry Tres Leches


Rachel's Heart-Shaped Doughnuts


Luisa's Doughnut Apocalypse


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Kitchen Klutzes


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Bonus Batch: Rachel's Recipe Journal

Since this episode was recorded, I had my second doughnut baking experience. My nephew "Big H" came to stay with us and we usually pick a baking project to do together. I had recently been drooling over brioche doughnuts stuffed with whipped peanut butter caramel ganache and dipped in dark chocolate from my Instagram feed. Big H is a big chocolate fan and I remembered doughnuts being simple last time I made them so I thought this would be the perfect project.

So the night before we wanted to eat the doughnuts we set about preparing the dough. We also committed to watching a movie with my husband. Anxious to get to our movie, we focused more on the times for mixing and kneading than on the visual indicators, put the dough in the fridge for its over night rise and settled in for a movie. This was a big mistake.

The next morning, I portioned out the dough and left them to rise. When we were ready to fry them they deflated into a gooey mess whenever we touched them. But we scraped them into the hot oil and prodded forth. They did puff up but they were very heavy and didn't taste good.

Oh! Did I mention that I scorched the caramel that was supposed to go in the peanut butter ganache? Yeah that happened.

BUT, the whipped peanut butter ganache turned out really well. I piped it into some chocolate cups I had hanging out in the pantry and topped with a scoop of chocolate swiss meringue frosting from the freezer and a drizzle of chocolate sauce and we were good to go.

Luisa: I have only made donuts once before, and have discovered that they are the perfect thing to make when one has a lot of unsupervised free time at home! I was home alone one weekend and was making an effort to go through some online baking courses when I had a sudden inspiration to make a million donuts despite there not being anyone there to help me eat them. I scared myself a bit with the frying (why is deep frying so terrifying!) and made both chocolate and vanilla glazes, added loads of sprinkles, and also made some donut holes because why not. I was happy to see that they were relatively easy to make, and sent Raul a picture of the five platters of donuts. Needless to say he was a bit concerned about how many I had made, but honestly I remember just settling in on the couch with my guilty pleasure (Pretty Little Liars-probably one of the most terrible shows I’ve ever seen, but I couldn’t stop watching) while munching down and cuddling with Dora. A successful girls weekend indeed! Next time I would love to try some jelly filled donuts!


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