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Episode 2 - Treats and Traditions

On this episode…

We give our opinion on whether or not muffins are just naked cupcakes and share why we have been PROCRASTIBAKING over the past week. We also review our FIRST 20 in 20 bakes! Luisa’s was picture perfect and Rachel’s not so much... But at least it tasted good! Listeners, keep track because we are sensing this will be a theme. We also share our Easter traditions and Luisa hints that she may be hosting an Adult Easter Egg hunt. We also challenge readers to Roll the Dice with us on a new baking challenge.

Send us your holiday hosting tips for minimizing family drama to

Also, be sure to tag us in your "Roll the Dice" photos on social media using the hashtag, #RollTheDice!



Rachel's Divinity Candy


Luisa's Alfajores


Links, Recipes and Sources


Coming up next...

Ba(r)king with Dora and Sadie


Connect with us!

Don’t forget to share your strawberry desserts with us #ProcrastibakingChallenge

We want to hear your “kitchen klutz” story. Email us or leave us a voicemail for a chance to be featured on the podcast.


Bonus Batch: Our Friendship Traditions

When you've been friends for over a decade, patterns start to emerge. Over time, certain habits have transformed into traditions.

Snail Mail

As I (Rachel) mentioned in episode 1, our friendship was solidified over a letter. Since we met, Luisa and I only lived in the same city for about two and a half years. Over the course of our friendship, we have exchanged many an email but our favorite thing to exchange is snail mail. We frequently send each other postcards, letters and boxes of brownies. I especially love to find things with food puns to mail Lu -- everything from "Only you could make Thanksgiving butter", cards to "Donut Worry" magnets. And, just when I need it most, I open my mailbox to find an encouraging note scrawled on a postcard Lu picked up on her last adventure. She's magical that way.

Her mom's house

For whatever reason, when we were teenagers, we gravitated towards hanging out at her parent's house. My guess is that the state capitol held more appeal for teens than my tiny hometown. Or maybe it was the fact that she had a pool. Regardless, whenever we're both in South Carolina we still congregate at her parents house. We bake and then play games or head to the pool. And suddenly, we are 17 again….her mom is constantly clearing off our drinks and her brother has disappeared. Only this time, we're allowed to join the adults, so we make a specialty cocktail to celebrate, and at the end of night, her parents ask us to stay for one more drink but settle for giving out hugs and impress upon us to come more often.

Theme parties

For as long as I can remember Lu and I have both been a fan of theme parties. We've thrown everything from a 1920's murder mystery to a Los Angeles themed party. We love to go all out with costumes, decorations, food and a signature cocktail. We've also thrown most of our parties at Luisa's parent's house. I think they love them too.

Baking together

We baked together occasionally in college but our efforts really ramped up after college. Now, we make sure to plan a baking day whenever we get a chance to visit each other. I like to save more involved projects like macarons and baked Alaska for when we are together. I need Luisa around to make me stick to the recipe and not give up.

Baking challenges

Once we could no longer bake together we started challenging each other to complete baking projects. At first, we had a blog called Hotglue Baking where we could record our results. Later we moved to the fun dice challenges. Now, we have our 20 in 20 list. Who knows what will be next!

These traditions have emerged like a pattern on a quilt and as such they provide a beautiful frame for our friendship. I'm grateful for the memories and looking forward to continuing to share both treats and traditions with you.



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