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Episode 8 - Thank You for Being a Friend

On this episode…

To kick things off, our hosts celebrate International Day of Friendship and give an update on their 20 in 20 progress.



Rachel's Cheese Sables


Luisa's Puerto Rican Quesitos

Luisa's friend, Kevin, gives a review


Links, Recipes and Sources



Coming up next...

Procrastibakers Luisa and Rachel take on a sweet edition of Chopped!


Connect with us!

Share photos of you with your friends at any age. Tag us using the hashtag #ProcrastibakingBuddies


Bonus Batch: Bake up some Friends

Here are some tried and true ways to use baking to make friends.

  1. Bake some goodies and take them to people you want to get to know better. This is probably the easiest, and it’s not really a bribe. Think of it more of a door opener. Maybe they will invite you in to share and have a cup of tea. Or they will reach out for the recipe and you can talk to them more then.

  2. Invite people to bake with you. Maybe a coworker you want to know better asked for your cookie recipe, offer to show them and invite them into your kitchen (after the pandemic passes, that is). Or, invite the mom friend you see at the park to come try a bread baking adventure with you. If you are both fairly inexperienced, use a tool like Craftsy or Udemy to both learn something new. This is also a great option for the current social distancing restrictions. You can meet virtually to watch the class and Zoom while you bake. In fact, we’d love to see your videos.

  3. Create a cookbook club or recipe exchange. Gather a group, establish parameters and get to baking! You can exchange recipes or actually baked goods. You can also choose a baking book and meet on a monthly basis to try recipes from each. Rachel is currently in a potluck club and due to the pandemic, they’ve shifted to a potluck train.For example, Rachel took a meal to person B, Person B took to Person C and Person C delivered to Rachel, closing the loop.

  4. Send a care package. If you were ever in Girl Scouts, “make new friends but keep the old” probably still echoes in your head. It’s a good time to spend time revisiting old but treasured relationships and a surprise package of goodies is always a nice way to say “I’m thinking of you”. Be sure to tune into episode 13 for packaging tips.



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